Top 10k strings from Gold (1983)(Hilderbay).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   3 You are at a dead end
   2  Get the HELL OUT! 
   1 uit game, 
   1 tPTT?3GZZN444b`4
   1 t$(j);" here."
   1 swudenpgloxQ
   1 swudenpglox
   1 pen. Also e
   1 p1=p1+(p1>
   1 ontinue or rewind tape for     
   1 ontinue ?"
   1 erification"
   1 e4P:5eD_e?4W3eSee43
   1 ave tape, 
   1 Your tools barely scratch the   rocky ground
   1 You would be able to get throughif you left the Sack of 
   1 You take a step - suddenly thereis nothing underfoot. Happy     landings
   1 You jump, but fail to take off
   1 You can't go in that direction
   1 You are precariously wedged at  the top of a ventilation shaft
   1 You are on the north side of an icy river.There is an ice bridgeacross it,and a door to the wes
   1 You are on the ledge above the  grotto. There is nothing there
   1 You are on the edge of an old   mineshaft
   1 You are lost in the fog
   1 You are lost in fog. A clammy   breeze blows from the north
   1 You are in the rumbling bowels  of the earth, terrified
   1 You are in the maze
   1 You are in an utterly dark placeYour clothes crackle with staticelectricity, and your torch     refuses to work
   1 You are in an empty treasure    chamber with a rough-hewn woodendoor on the east side
   1 You are in an abandoned mine.   The rotting pit props groan.    Earth cascades from the roof as you pass
   1 You are in a vast cavern. An icyriver flows through. Pale,      sightless creatures writhe.     Fossilised bones lie everywhere
   1 You are in a maze. You feel     dizzy
   1 You are in a marvellous grotto. Something glitters on the ledge above - or are you imagining it
   1 You are in a long cave. There isa narrow tunnel to the west. A  breeze blows from the north
   1 You are in a laboratory. You seea tiny box marked                 "ZX Palantir 1M Byte             Bubble memory pack"          Uncle Clive politely ejects you
   1 You are in a dark, featureless  cavern. You step on a large     round stone.. It spins! You are dizzy: Which direction is which
   1 You are in a comfortable room   hacked out of the rock. The     dried-up remains of a half-eatenmeal litter the table
   1 You are in a chamber strewn withshrivelled remains. A strongbox stands near a huge cobweb. The  MAN-EATING SPIDER is not here
   1 You are in a cave with several  exits
   1 You are in a cave strewn with   cracked bones and flakes of     flint. Long extinct beasts are  meticulously painted on the     walls. A modern steel trapdoor, broken open, is set into the    floor
   1 You are in a cave reeking of    brimstone.                             
   1 You are facing a sheer wall.    You see a yellowish gleam high  above
   1 You are beside the icy river.   The river goes underground
   1 You are beside the icy river
   1 You are at the top of a sheer   cliff. Worthless pyrites gleam
   1 You are at the south side of an underground river. A fragile icebridge spans it
   1 You are at the bottom of a      mineshaft
   1 You are at a dead end. No, wait-there is a turning
   1 The spider returns. Quick, exit
   1 S3eFAZ<\T@e3U343GZZZN434a4`
   1 Little tunnels branch out every-where. They all look the same
   1 Lava starts to bubble up.              
   1 It looks hopeless. These fogs   can last for weeks
   1 GOLD3     v
   1 GOLD2     =
   1 GOLD      
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;" (You may now stop the tape)    "
   1 5PV>44L[YN444434O
   1 4443U444ZN444G44
   1 33WW4tR44N444444
   1 3040G0404T@0434U444ZZNPIF444
   1 0S5:B0D003V4?0700
   1 034A40A70634E040:444?4E404
   1 ,,,,"While you are camping in the","Yukon, a dense fog comes down. A prospector was lost in such a  "
   1 ,,"Congratulations, you got the","      ";t$(
   1 ,,"      Gold.   an  Adventure     "'"     
   1 ''"You must get everything that youcan, and get out safely with it.We're not telling you anything  else -- that's part of the game!"''"If you want to start from the   beginning don't stop the tape   recorder until asked to."
   1 '"You have ";s;" points."
   1 '"What next ?";
   1 '"Suddenly a wraith-like figure   materialises and seizes the"
   1 '"Play your game tape, I will load "'f$
   1 '"I do not under stand ?"
   1 '"A note on the wall says"''" ""DON'T LEAVE VALUABLES HERE -"'"   MINE WERE STOLEN ONCE""":
   1 "fog long ago. People say he had hoarded a huge treasure, but it was never found.",,,,,'
   1 "You do not have the"'t$(a2):
   1 "You already have the "'t$(a2)
   1 "Under what name did you save    your GOLD game? (If you just    press ENTER the next program    file found will be loaded) "'f$
   1 "The strongbox flies open. It is":
   1 "The impossible I do at once..."'"Miracles take longer. Sorry.":
   1 "The first key does not fit.!!":
   1 "The door creakes open.":
   1 "The commands are: 
   1 "Re-load tape for another game.":
   1 "Open what ?":
   1 "OK. Got the ";t$(a2):
   1 "No,there is a small leather bag."'"There are":
   1 "No ";t$(a2);" here.":
   1 "Name for tape file ? ";q$
   1 "Leave what ?":
   1 "It is locked.":
   1 "If you want to load an existing game, stop the tape when the    border goes black, and hold the SPACE key down."
   1 "If it fails then GOTO 7160":
   1 "I will hide it 
   1 "I do not understand."'"Try again.";
   1 "I do not have a key for that.":
   1 "Get what ?":
   1 "32759",mm-
   1 "31";" in ";m0;" moves.",,"You got ";s+
   1 "20";q$;"           ":
   1 "10";" Points.",,,'"The record is 107 points in 81  moves!"
   1 "10"*(t(j)=-
   1 "" it moans,"'"You found 
   1 " Still loading ...."
   1  this time.  The figure vanishes."
   1  Hilderbay Ltd 1982"
   1  Hilderbay Ltd 1982       ",,:
   1     Bunch of Keys